Rolling With Your Emotional Tides

So here I am in my intangible self stuck in my cyclic emotions that have lodged themselves inside of me (or am I gripping on to them…?) and I discovered a NEW technique to regulate my nervous system is a real gem!

The Flavors of India

One has heard of the infamous Delhi Street food and the many flavors of India. Even though I cook mostly Indian food at home, I was excited to embark on this tasteful journey. In my culinary journey, most meals have been a delightful symphony on my taste buds.

Reflecting To Find The Root Cause

In the realm of Ayurveda, healing isn’t just about treating symptoms; it’s about uncovering the root cause of our imbalances. As I embark on my personal Ayurvedic journey, I’ve come to understand the importance of delving deep into the core of my being to find the root cause of my imbalances.

My Journey Starts Today

It is with a mix of excitement and a tinge of sadness that I write to inform you of an event in my life that will temporarily affect our sessions together.

Magical Tridoshic Green Beans

Plus Super Simple Recipe! Greens are balancing for all three doshas- Vata, Pitta & Kapha! They are easy to digest and astringent in taste. Green beans are a good source of […]

Stay Well During Cold & Flu Season

It’s the season where viruses and other bugs are making their way around to our homes. Vitamin C, zinc and elderberries are now found commonly in cough drops, tinctures and […]

Why Is It Important to Be In Balance?

When we bring our body, mind and spirit into alignment, we operate from a balanced state. This balance is important to have because it allows us to receive feedback from […]

What Does Kreem Shakti Mean?

This is a mantra that is comprised of two words. “Kreem” is the seed syllable mantra that represents Goddess Kali. It propels the power of transformation at all levels of […]

What Is Ayurveda?

Ayurveda is a traditional system of medicine that originated in India thousands of years ago. The word “Ayurveda” is derived from the Sanskrit words “ayus,” meaning life, and “veda,” meaning […]