Kreem Shakti Blog Harmonizing Energies

“When we give ourselves compassion, we are opening our hearts in a way that can transform our lives.” - Kristin Neff

In this last month, I have been needing to tell myself often “bread needs to rest before it rises.” Despite us being in the Pitta fiery summer, the energy has been sluggish and people are coming into my practice with more Kapha earth-like imbalances. We are universally in a period of transition and even though we are used to having full summer lives, many of us are being halted in our tracks to care for ourselves and not harmonizing energies.


Be Kind To Yourself

This blog is a gentle reminder to be kind to yourself and allow yourself to be fully present in your body. The full moon that occurred a few days ago shows us many energies are working the sky currently. We have opposing energies between our thoughts and our feelings. We are split between what is possible and how to make it work. There is a collective restlessness happening. The only way to stabilize the turbulence that is passing through is to go inwards to understand how you will personally navigate this. This means slowing down and saying “no.” It means sudden changes and different dynamics in relationships. It means being OK with where you are.

When we allow ourselves to go inwards, we learn more about our inner landscape. What resonates with us and what doesn’t. We can tell by the way our very organs vibrate when we are with or around something that aligns with us. Or if it doesn’t. We start to learn our true nature under that bombardment of indoctrinated thoughts. We understand what fuels and drives us. Only from this place of introspection can we then know how we want to interact in our external world. How we want to show up and what we want reflected back at us. And what energy we want to multiply and what we want to move away from.


Allowing Rest

So let yourself rest. When we rest effectively and really allow ourselves to rest – guilt free! – only then can we come back to our dreams that we are building and do it from a place of true intention in the highest of ways. We are ultimately humans “BE”ings versus human doers. And if you want some help understanding how to get your mind, body and spirit in alignment during this time of internal shifting, book a 15 minute call with me or come on in! When we get our bodies in harmony with ourselves, our true nature is given the opportunity to guide us!

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